Not sure where to even begin with these guys, if your looking for cheap then this is your bunch, that is until they start with the excuses as to why they need more money to do the same job they bid. These guys over promised and under delivered from the start and they are very adapt at one person talking with you and agreeing to what should and will be done and the other shows up with a completely different agenda. There is another reviewer that took photos of the trash they left inches under his landscape, I wished I had taken photos of the trash pile I uncovered form one of my planter beds these guys installed. Yes I literally had their lunch trash from McDonald's, Roberto's and another unknown company buried in my planters. Good Luck getting a call back from these guys when we question anything they do, they won't even talk with you when you track them down at one of the local home shows. It has been just over a year since they worked on my yard and I have already had portions of it repaired by another landscape company. Don't fall for their low bid deception, spend the extra money up front and you won't be throwing money at your project to keep it up in the future.