This store is really quite something and definitely worth a visit. The decor is what really makes this place special- I don't think I've seen so much taxidermy in one place! There's the usual taxidermy of deer and other antlered species but here you can also find taxidermy of baby chickens- in individual little glass containers! As someone else mentioned, you do kind of get more drawn into the weird taxidermy than the vintage clothing, jewelry and home items for sale. They have an assortment of interesting vintage dresses, clothes and bags, most with a 40s, 50s and early 60s aesthetic. They had a very cool selection of vintage sunglasses.... But wait, what is that taxidermy thing over there....
I would not recommend this store to anyone who is the least bit freaked out by taxidermy, but totally worth a visit if that sort of thing doesn't bother you!