| - We worked with the owner Scott only. He went on and on about having the dest installers in the business. The hardwood floor installers squeezed a 3 day job into 1 so they could go to the gun show. They did an incredible amount of damage to walls, tiles, new paint, base boards and didn't install the wood to industry standards let alone mine. We also paid in full for the other half of the house to be carpeted. Some carpet was installed and tack strips were laid in the other rooms awaiting the carpet. Our large living room sat with tack strips all over for weeks and weeks and our calls and emails were ignored. On the day the installers finally showed up, they received a call from Scott and then came to get me. They said that the carpet was wet and they would have to return it to their supplier and get new carpet. Keep in mind we had to step on tack strips for months at this point. We never heard from Scott or this company ever again. Through a lot of phone calls I was able to speak to the carpet supplier and the carpet company. Scott never reordered the carpet or made a claim for wet carpet. Now peicing it all together, he purposely put us through hell for months then had the installers pour their water bottle on the carpet and make up the story. Nearly 5 months later we had to purchase all new carpet from a new company, have the hardwood pulled up and relaid and had over $2,000 worth of damages fixed. The total to FIX Scott's evil ways cost us over $6,000. That does not include the money we paid Scott for his product and services.
Here is a paragraph of an email I sent Scott:
We are appalled and disgusted by the way you have treated us as clients and the service you delivered. Especially after having to listen to you for over 3 hours on Monday, April 16th, about the impeccable, "meticulous" job your guys were going to do. After the nightmare with the hardwood, I told you we wanted to cancel the carpet but again you gave me another sales pitch and promised exactly the opposite from what was delivered. We purchased the carpet, IN FULL, on April 17th and it was to be installed and completed on April 20th. We are now over 6 weeks later and we are still getting pricked by the tack strips that were laid. I have had to be the one to call you all of these weeks to find out why the carpet was never finished the day it was suppose to be. You have never called to schedule a time for your guys to come back and you and I even recently spoke and you said they would be here on Tuesday morning between 8 & 9. We drove at midnight on Monday just to get back here to open the door for your guys in the morning and of course, they never showed. It is now Thursday afternoon and you still have yet to call us and we still are walking on tack strips and no carpet.
Go down the way to the flooring store on the corner. They say they get a lot of Scott's customers coming in to complain. They are honest and professional.