Peixoto (pay-show-toe) is the real deal. The coffee is great, the space is beautiful, and the staff are all friendly and knowledgable. Not to mention they have some pretty fly gear. La Marzocco Linea, EK43, a beastly roaster, and a slew of manual brew devices - they made all the stops. I'm sure they'd do well anywhere in the valley, but their presence in Chandler is sorely needed.
I love that they have their crop-to-cup program that sources raw coffee direct from the family farm of the owners in Brazil. I heard about this and was both excited and worried they wouldn't serve other single origin offerings. Thankfully they do have a few coffees to choose from. I had their full natural Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and it was wonderful. Their espresso was delightful - really well balanced with a big syrupy body, light sweetness and light acidity. I'm looking forward to exploring their coffees further!
Peixoto is a stellar addition to the Phoenix coffee community and I'm excited to see them grow! Go check them out!