What a fun afternoon we enjoyed here. The Dolphins were friendly and playing with each other and the cub exhibit was so cute. The dolphins are literally right up on you. A few kids got to even pet them. This place could use some upgrading and I am sure it will get it soon. It was a hot day and most of the animals were chilling out, but a few were bouncing around the pens. Very spoiled animals !!! The few negative posters on here are completely wrong about this place and are obviously allowing their personal emotions to out weigh reality. Its a bit pricey to visit here IMO, but I used myvegas on Facebook and we got in FREE! They also have discount days and coupons. A great place to sneak away from the tables or machines for a few hours. You can bring in drinks but the caps, lids, and straws will be removed. Two very nice souvenir buildings . Have fun!!