Last Saturday we picked up 2 chicks to add to our flock. We normally go to a breeder in Gilbert, but they are in the middle of a move. And so we wandered in and found chicks. First, I was all excited to see an Araucana. Finally, my blue eggs. Except on every chicken raisers social media group I am in, I was assured she is not an Araucana. They are rare and expensive. Nope, she's an Easter Egger and should not have cost $2 more than the rest of the chicks. Now is $2 a lot? NO - but I hate false advertising.
Next problem we will find out in a few weeks...but I think I know now. The Barred Rock chick we purchased may be a rooster. The problem is, as I was looking at all the chicks trying to see if I could figure out who was who, the salesperson told me they only sell females. Hopefully the fact that a week old chick is growing a comb is just characteristic of Barred Rocks. But if it isn't, false advertising #2.