After submitting an inquiry on one of their properties I was sent an email with an appointment time and date to view the property with one of their agaents. When I arrived there were 6 other cars outside of the property with people who were all given the same time for viewing. This threw me off as I feel it's unprofessional to try and play potential tenants against each other that way. Everyone there I spoke with admitted to it being an uncomfortable feeling. In addition, when the agent was not there at the listed time I sent her a text after getting no answer from her cell. After waiting 10 minutes with no response I left the property as I had other appointments scheduled in the afternoon to follow that one. Hours went by and I never did receive a response to my call or text from the agent, that is until I text her letting her know I'd be writing a review about the experience. ..then all of a sudden I got an immediate response. Too little too late, it's not much to ask for a response or follow up when you had an appointment that wasn't made on time by the other party. It's not ok to waste others time and only respond when you feel it could be costly to your company's ALREADY TATTERED reputation.