| - If only there was a negative rating! First off, I would like to inform RAM of the true meaning of "Meticulous", the advertised meaning of the "M" in RAM Painting. Meticulous....."taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman". What you are really going to get for the "M" is "Messy"...."characterized by a dirty, untidy or disordered condition". After doing much of the prep work ourselves and being "meticulous" with our project, RAM Painting was hired to do the finishing touches. Wanting nothing more than advertised and paid for, we were thoroughly disappointed! You too, if you were crazy enough to hire this company, could be the lucky recipient of getting lots of painting done....even your refrigerator, tiles, bathtub, floors, cabinets.....none of which you contracted to be painted. Beware! If you live in the dark and/or blind, then RAM's definition of "meticulous" will work for you.
I expect Josh, the owner, to try and defend his position as he did with another review, but there is no defense. There were many, many hours spent by us to try and fix his mess. No trade off is worth the pain and disappointment of working with this company.