| - So, I just completed a month at Bodyheat Tanning and I've lived to tell the tale. Up until this point, I've never had to use a tanning salon in my life, never even thought about it; I'm the kind of Asian gal who can get dark sitting in the sun for ten minutes. But, needing to be dark on stage for a show where I'd be wearing a bikini, I was here, a total novice. I chose this location because it's so close to my house. On my first visit, Danielle was very patient about explaining the various plans to me, especially since there is a plethora. Who knew that tanning was so complicated? There's beds, stand up booths, Filter Glass Tan, spray mist, bronzing facials, even massaging beds. I only needed the one month of tanning, so I got the Level 1 plan, which is just for the tanning bed with a fan. You need the special goggles for the tanning beds to protect your eyes and the tanning lotion is recommended, although I didn't have to pay for that since the b/f had some; it's definitely pricier than Coppertone! I didn't know what to expect the first time I went, paranoid about getting skin cancer or frying like an egg. The tanning bed can feel like a bright coffin, but I plugged in my iPod, put on the tiny eye goggles, covered my face with the towel provided, and lasted for ten minutes. I did not fry, even though it was warm on that glass. Subsequently, I visited the salon three times a week to use the bed and on Sundays, did the stand-up booth, which cost me $10 each time (half-price on Sundays.)
Two days before my show, I got spray-tanned ($19). The spray tan experience was also a new thing for me. Basically, you stand in the middle of the booth after putting barrier lotion on your hands and bottom of the feet (those parts don't spray tan well) and strike four different poses while the spray shoots out like at a car wash. Front pose, two side poses like an Egyptian with your arms spread out, back pose with your hands up and then the machine dries you, again like at the car wash. The whole time you're in the booth, the automated voice in the machine directs you when to turn and which way. The whole thing took about 5 minutes, but you want to wait a few minutes and be completely dry before putting your clothes back on. It's also recommended not to shower for 24 hours. They sell "extender" lotion to make the tan last longer, but I didn't buy any of that. There was no staining on my bed sheets, either, from the spray tan, so that was a relief.
Overall, tanning is not cheap and there are lots of different packages to go with. If I do it again, I'll definitely do the math first knowing what I know now about how much I ended up spending and the different methods I had to use in the month. If you want to use their services, check out the packages, too, so you get the most for your money. The staff was always very friendly and informative and I never spent more than 20 minutes for each visit. I started at 10 minutes on the beds eventually increasing the time to 12 minutes. I only had to wait for a bed once and that was a short wait. Get your tanning lotion online to save money. Bring an iPod so you can bide the time while the rays get you. They supply a little pillow and a towel for you to use--I used the towel to cover my face when I tanned, so bring an extra towel if you need one. It's been a trip!