| - Warning: I'm going to use the word "cheese" and derivatives thereof many many many many times in the course of this review. Cheese is like the best thing ever, right? Like pretty much the most wonderful invention human civilisation has ever wrought on this earth. Cheese! Mmm unless you're vegan or lactose intolerant (oh dear God ! I'm so sorry but a life without cheese just isn't a life worth living) you know what I mean when I exclaim my love of cheese. How couldn't you love cheese ... it's just so, hmm what the word, ah yes ... it's just so cheesy! Foumagerie is verily a cheesy oasis of cheese; it has one of the cheesiest, best and most diverse cheese and complete cheesy selection of cheeses in this cheese city. They also have some of the most knowledgeable cheese staff vis-à-vis all things cheese! From various world renowned French cheeses like Roquefort and Brillat-Savarin Triple Crème to obscure but sumptuous local Québec cheeses like Ciel de Charlevoix. They've got Dutch cheeses like smoked Gouda, Maaslander, Limburger and Mimolette. There is an American blue cheese called Grey Owl that is incredible. You can find Swiss cheeses such as Gruyère, Appenzeller and Bündner Bergkäse. There are various Greek Fetas, English and Irish and Canadian Cheddars, beautiful blues, fresh Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, baby Bocconcinis and so much more. There is a cheese here for every taste. They've got beautiful and pungent slap-in-the-face super super stinky cheeses, less stinky super stinky cheese, excellent mi-fort, mild and subtle yet rich cheeses, cheeses with herbs, cheeses with ash, cheeses with spices, cheeses in wine, port Cheddar, cheeses with truffles and sometimes they've even got cheeses with flowers in them. Seriously, if you've got a hankering for some scrumptious cheese for a sandwich, or you need some good Parmigiano Reggiano for making that spaghetti or pesto for supper or perhaps you're putting on an elegant wine and cheese for the entire neighbourhood; whatever your cheese need, they've got your cheese solution -- I implore you to come here and seek the sage advise of the cheese masters at Foumagerie. Enjoy and have a cheesy day! Cheese!!