I have heard nothing but great reviews of this place so I had high hopes for this George Brown College culinary arts program run restaurant. Unfortunately it didn't live up to its reputation.
The food: was no better than on par with a comparable restaurant. The one annoyance with the food was that the menu did a poor job of describing what each dish was. Everyone at my table was surprised at the appearance/composition of every dish.
The service: Shockingly bad. First off the first thing I noticed was that there was more than double the amount of people on site compared to restaurants of comparable size. Unfortunately that didn't translate into great service. The delivery of the food was borderline comical with none of the servers having any idea who ordered what and giving everyone the wrong plate. Even basics like sufficient cutlery were botched.
Other annoyance: lack of an espresso machine.
Needless to say I'm in no hurry to go back, which given its convenient location is a shame.
Am I being to harsh on students? I don't think so, after all I have been served by countless people in this age bracket over the years. These were just clueless.
One accommodation I am making is that normally this would be a 2 star review, the extra star is consideration for a good effort put on by the student chefs.