I agree with Elizabeth L. (see 11/27/2014) Sushi Ko used to be great...but everything from the service to the quality - especially the quality of carryout orders - has gone downhill. I eat more carryout food here than dining in the restaurant since it is close to my office and convenient for lunch.
The carryout sushi and cooked foods seem fresh enough, but carryout salads and garnish are often long past fresh with black edges around shiso leaves or brown edges around wilted lettuce. Throw it out if it is bad - don't sell it to your customers! Nothing worse than getting back to work, opening that carryout box, and finding rotting shiso leaves under my fresh sushi or sashimi or having to throw out my lunch salad because of brown, wilted edges on the lettuce.
I hope this place gets their act together and returns to the consistantly high standards they were known for several years ago. That said, I would still recommend Sushi Ko for good sushi in the Shea/94th Street area. Any meal I have eaten in the restaurant has always been fresh and tasty; however, consistanly fresh garnish and salads in the carryout orders seem to be the problem.