Just so other people know, when I asked the owner for a credit for failure to meet the scheduled install he emailed me this...
David -
At the direction of my attorney, David Perduk, I agree to provide you a one time only $250 accommodation refund when the following criteria have been met:
· The purchase's $5,724.29 balance has been paid in full
· You remove all negative reviews from Angie's List or like kind internet or social media sites
· You have signed a release that includes a non-disparagement clause.
So an owner of a business gets an attorney involved because you tell the owner you want him to make it right or you will leave a review to let others know? Absolutely childish, the man is not man enough to handle business with a customer involved.
I can just see it now, a warranty issue and he gets an attorney involved to try and scare people. I refused the $250.00 because I want other people to know what kind of customer service get has.
Rather than apologize he makes excuses. It's about making it right, do yourself a favor and save yourself the nightmare I had dealing with this man.