Why on EARTH would you ever buy a prepackaged spice again??!! Don't let your lack of spice connoisseurship stop you from just coming in to get Rosemary or whatever. This place is a real feast for the senses.
This is an authentic spice market, with all the variety and beauty of those one might find in Turkey or Morocco, but re-designed to suit some of the more funky enclaves in North America.
This place has it all. Infused salts (try the ghost pepper and bonfire salts), middle eastern specialties (three country-specific Za'atar mixes, turkish sumac), indian black cardamom, dozens of infused sugars, teas, and on. They make a lot of signature mixes themselves. Everything is sold in bulk, measured and zip-loc bagged to order.
***TIP 1: Not sure how much you need? Just start with one ounce samples. That will take you pretty far.***
***TIP 2: You can open the small sample jars that line the right-hand wall to smell the contents.***
Highly recommended.
Rating Scale:
1 Star: Avoid the town in which this place is located just to be safe.
2 Star: With so many great places to choose from, why risk this one?
3 Star: I'll try it again or consume here in a pinch.
4 Star: I go here regularly if financially and/or calorically feasible.
5 Star: I look forward to taking my wife or friends here.