| - How on earth can Trader Joes' only have ONE review thus far? I know it's new, but seriously?
I am brimming over with loyalty and pride in Trader Joe's. You could say I'm an evangelist for them.
Let me begin by saying with megaphone in hand, "People of Charlotte, you have no idea how lucky you are to have Trader Joe's near you with a parking deck! " A friggin' parking deck with plenty of parking, shielding you from the sun and rain - pinch me. Typically there are 10 parking spots that people kill for at a Trader Joe's!
This grocery store may seem a little weird for first timers. It's small, there aren't any aisle signs and no big name brands - but stick with it and you'll discover it's charms, to name a few:
1) Incredibly affordable
2) Unique quick fixing foods
3) Plenty of organic items
4) Friendly staff
5) That family feel
6) Small enough, that it's manageable to navigate. Once you get used to it, you can blow through your shopping list in minutes and spend half as much as you would at Harris Teeters.
My favorites to buy still remain: No Pudge Brownie Mix, frozen sweet potato fries, onion and gruyere tart, orange chicken, almond cherry trail mix, roasted pepper and tomato soup and TOFUTTI CUTIES. Dairy products here are also great and cheap (sour cream, half and half, butter, etc.). The weird thing about TJ's on the east coast is that they have local brands not re-labeled "Trader Joe's" or "Trader Giotto's" brands. Oh, and their ground turkey tastes weird - really strong turkey taste and not like what I used to get in Cali.
This store is more spacious than most TJ's and well-stocked. Check it out before more people discover this place.