If it weren't for the free passes, we wouldn't have gone, nor would we have returned.
I will say though it was nice to go to, a quiet (moderately) and relaxed environment where you can chill by the pool with a mostly 30's-40s, tops optional. There were a few people there the first time going topless and the GF decided to do the same. She didn't have a creeped out vibe by anyone and most everyone kept to their own business. The second day though was a big Bro-Fest. Definitely didn't go topless that day. We happened to sit in the lounge chairs on a Thursday and were approached by a guest services guy and he stated that there was a $100 charge for the lounge chairs and could accomplish that by both having at least a $50 bar tab. We told him there wasn't the same enforcement on a Wednesday and were politely told that they consider a Thursday at the weekend rates. He asked how long we would be there and we told him about an hour and a half or so because we were heading to the airport soon to leave. He let us stay in the seats and enjoy our last day in Vegas at their pool.
Drinks: Don't even get me started. You need to come here either drunk or willing to spend ALOT of money. $40 for two drinks. meh :/
Will I go back? Maybe again with free passes and being drunk already or maybe just visit my own pool. I just really appreciate the 21 over environment without the nastiness of "other"pools in the area...