The vaunted Apple service is a hoax of marketing at least at the Apple store in South Park Mall in Charlotte, NC. I purchased a MacBook Pro laptop 3 months and 12 days ago to replace a 2010 MacBook Pro. The new MacBook Pro had a defective battery and would not boot. I met with the manager and asked about the time required to have it repaired. He said the earliest he could promise the repaired MacBook Pro was 3-5 days. Since this is the one computer that I use for my business, I asked if Apple would return my money or provide me with a replacement laptop. He said under no circumstances would Apple do so. A high end laptop should not have a battery fail after 3 months. Also, because of the way components are installed on the new MacBooks, it will be necessary to replace the memory chip as well. I will lose all of my data. The manager was polite but had no suggestions. A business cannot afford to be without a computer for a week. I have been a Mac user since 1984. I suggest that Apple offer an expedited repair service for this type of situation. In summary I will be looking elsewhere for my next laptop.