Seriously, THE BEST SCHOOL EVER! I was so unsure of what to do with my life after I had completed two years at Arizona State, and still did not have a career in mind that I wanted. I found happiness in this school. I found purpose. I would even go as far to say that I found myself here.
All walks of life are at this school and that is what makes it so great. No judgement. No negativity. I ended up going down the esthetics route, but didn't ever realize how many different paths you could end up going after getting licensed. The school did what NO other school does, and shows you the whole business side of esthetics. They have actual reps of the skincare companies we use (and some even some we don't use) come in and teach us hands on how to use their products/explain every single ingredient/answer all our questions.
I also can not name any school, that I am aware of, that has a career fair for their students. These companies and doctors are looking to HIRE! A lot of the people in my class were hired or asked to come in for a company interview that very same day. So great that penrose wants their students to actually work and get their foot in the door!
Finally, the staff is amazing. Even though they all have different personalities and ways of teaching...they mesh perfectly together. There were two teachers who stuck out personally to me the most though. Lindsey and Caroline. They really took the time and effort to not only teach me, but talk to me about all different aspects of the industry. They are/were both very successful women in the esthetics industry...and they taught me every single day! I am so thankful to Penrose for pushing me and helping me find a career that I will be happy with for the rest of my life.