| - CES is and will always be awesome for tech geeks, as well as casual tech people who are curious about the next big thing. there are several ways to attend CES:
- your company booth is there, therefore you can go representing them
- you own your own business that focuses on consumer electronics
There are other ways to attend but now a days i think its a lot more difficult to use a fake company like in the past. Badge wise, it will cost around 100+ plus for a badge if you register late, although if you register early, it will be free. Also, make sure you stay at a hotel that is close to the free shuttles that will take you straight to the convention. i wish CES occurred on the weekends, so then it would be easier to go next year.
What to expect: there's so much to see, that we ran out of time. there are several buildings with things and panels to see, with the main building having the big players such as sony, microsoft, google, etc. there's lots of free swag as well, although not as much as comic con, you still could get some pretty good things. best thing to do in my opinion is plan out your time accordingly by looking at the maps before the event starts. then you would know which area's you want to check out, and definitely try to watch as much presentations as possible as thats how you really get a great idea what there promoting. as for the staff at the booths, its hit or miss, there are plenty of eye candy, but if you ask some tech questions, sometimes they won't have an idea of an answer and just say go look at the website. wish i could go every year, its a blast!!!