| - I got my master's in special education here. LOVED most of my professors, and the others were pretty good, too. Great value for the buck, and I really feel like I learned something.
Tips: Campus 411 and advisors are very helpful. One of my friends was freaking out about not getting into a class, but I showed her how there were undergrad spots still available. She spoke to someone in 411, who helped her register.
Use the library! You get a printing budget of $80 a semester.
You can get a U-pass sticker for unlimited rides on the RTA for a nominal fee.
Main frustration: when someone who makes a decision is away, even for a month, there is nobody able to make the decision for them, which means any paperwork for transferring credits, waiving requirements, and such could be held up (STUPID policy that stresses out students!).
Overall, great school, great profs, great facilities, great value for your education dollar. Use those facilities and services! The Special Ed Dept rocks!
P.S. The Health Center staff is great, the cost of visits is cheap, and you can also buy health insurance through the college if you are taking one class.