Took my little dude here after he had to get a surprise Hep A shot. Needless to say he was P.O.'d at me (who can blame him?) so I thought some ice cream would make it all better and put me back in his good graces. It worked!
The lady behind the counter was super cool and even gave my boy thumbs up for being so brave (he barely cried...such a toughie). She brought him a scoop of vanilla custard with a waffle cone (his first cone ever). He wolfed it down the typical way 3 year old boys do (all over his face, down his shirt and around his car seat).
I opted for the Mt. Rush s'more concrete made with vanilla custard, hot fudge, marshmallow creme and graham cracker crumbs. So freaking tasty for the few bites I had (I needed to bring home the rest for my other little monkey so she didn't feel left out).
Will. always go to Mr. D's for our family special treats.