| - This cafe has been hyped up by my friends for months, so I paid a little visit to see it. Its so easy to miss because it's small and isolated, but I won't lie, it's pretty cute inside. Not because of the cats, in all honesty that's just marketing, I saw zero cats, and their cat decor game was weak. there were some mugs that looked like cats, and some figurines, and they had a "cattucino" but that's really it.
I do remember being uncomfortable here because it was so small that if more than 3 people entered, it was crowded and squishy. Also, it's a part of someone's house so when you sit at the top, you can hear foot steps and people talking through the door.
Also, prices were insane. I think I paid $7-8 for a latte, not even at Starbucks it's that expensive, and it was fairly small too. Nothing special, bitter, unsweetened, kind of watery, sure as hell not worth $8.
But... There is something endearing, that's for sure, the cafe has some sort of charm, when you're inside. That's the only cool thing about it. Everything else....not worth it.