We went for my brother's birthday seeing as he'd never been to Las Vegas before. We actually didn't have an inkling of which strip club to go to in Las Vegas beforehand. But while perusing the main strip and being accosted by the numerous snapping of callgirl leaflets, one of our posse found some VIP cards. These VIP cards will waive the admission fee and get you a free T-shirt of the place... but you still have to pay the drinks charge. Totally nude = no alcohol. So drink up beforehand if that's your thing. We called the number on the VIP card to get a free ride to the place and the Little Darlings limo pulled up to our hotel and all 10 of us piled in.
As for the girls? They're not all uber hot, but most of them are pretty decent with some real smoking ones here and there. "Little Red Riding Hood." That's all I need to say. Definitely an entertaining 2 hrs without having to completely break the piggy bank unlike other places.