Whenever I walk by this store I can't help but notice how hideous the dresses are. There are always dresses on mannequins displayed outside. Moreover, most of the dresses can only be worn by 1 body type: extremely skinny all over, but a big chest.
I have never actually been in the store until today. I only went in because my friend wanted to go in. The clerk was very nice, but that was about it. The dresses are mainly club wear-type. Nothing wrong with that, but I find them to be extremely tacky designs with these odd cut-outs here and there. I don't think that the prices reflect the quality of the clothes. The clothes look quite cheap and the craftsmanship was poor in certain places. Somehow they still charge for $45-$70 for their stuff.
Another thing I noticed was the amount of bling. - Lots of bright jewels on their jewelry, purses, and clothing necklines, It's definitely not my taste, and again, they look really cheap.
Best of the worst: their coats. Those probably looked the least ugly. The dresses and sweaters are just awful. Maybe you'll find a dress on a really rare occasion that doesn't look bad, but I'd question the amount of wears you can get out of it.