The pharmacy at this Costco is ridiculously inefficient. It took 1.5 hrs to get a prescription - this was due to
a) a 45 mins wait for filling the prescription at this busy place.
b) an inability for the cashier to deal with benefit cards at the cashier (you must show your card at prescription drop off which means if you didn't know, you'd have to lose your spot in the pick up line, go to the other end of the pharmacy, show your card, and hope they will take you at the cashier again right away)
c) disorganization and lack of an efficient process to transfer newly filled prescription between the staff filling prescriptions and the cashiers. This meant a backlog of waiting customers watched helplessly as the cashier went hunting for completed prescriptions in piles along the front counter
d) lack of dedicated cashiers which meant there was often one or none cashiers taking the next order as the cashiers went hunting for filled prescriptions. The overloaded cashiers got distracted and left my order inside immediately after sorting out the benefits, even as I stood there waiting as they attended to the next in line.
The wait was not worth the $3.89 dispensing fee.