| - Me and my wife had an appointment with Dr. F. Chamian on May 19, 2016 at 2pm. They called us last May 13, 2016 that she's not available, so we were rescheduled on June 16, 2016 at 2pm. So, this morning around 9am, we received a call from a person called "Erin" telling us if I can come today without my wife at 3:15pm, so I agreed and cancelled my other appointment but later in the day somebody called and my wife answered the cali and they changed the time to 4pm, without any question I agreed again. we left 35min. early because we don't want to be late, usually it will take us only 10 min. to reach the clinic but when we reached exit 61A, the traffic was so heavy. Somebody from the clinic called us, we told her that we might be late because it was beyond our control. But outright she told me that the doctor is leaving because we are late. Anyway we reached the clinic while we were on a conversation over the phone. I was very upset when I arrived at the clinic, I told them to be a little considerate because we ourselves are very considerate when they have to keep on changing our appointment. The very arrogant secretary Erin was like raising her eyebrow which made me furious, I was telling her to change her attitude being in the front desk and suddenly this guy came, I believed the husband of Dr. Chamian, named Dr. Noel Chamian who is more arrogant than his secretary, threatening me and asking her secretary to call 911 and have me arrested for no apparent reason besides explaining my side. This is the first time that we were late, though we're not satisfied the way she handled her patients, besides that the knowledge is so limited, we don't want the hassle of changing another doctor. Now, whoever will read my review, if you want to take risk, and be with inefficient, inconsiderate, non compassionate, money making doctors then these couple are highly recommended, but if you want a caring, patient centered physician, then don't go to this clinic. BEWARE of these DOCTORS!