| - 4 1/2 stars. I am glad I can honestly leave a positive review about this place, because I wouldn't want to get "rubbed out" if I had to leave a negative review. We both enjoyed this place. I wish we had more time to read the information on all the signs, but we had to catch our flight back home. I purchased discount tickets, so I only paid $9.00 for two admission tickets. Part of the exhibit is closed for renovations or something right now, but we still enjoyed what we saw. You have to do a lot of reading, but we didn't mind, it was interesting stuff. They had a lot of letters and belongings from all the big name gangsters inside of cases. Everything from Bugsy Siegel's favorite watch, love letters from Meyer Lansky (sp) to his future wife, guns and various other belongings from several mobsters. It also contained some actual personal photographs of the mobsters. It wasn't crowded at all when we went, but it was kind of a long walk from the self parking lot, to the exhibit. I am glad we went, and how cool is it that it is located inside of The Flamingo hotel, the place with so much history to it. This is the hotel that led to the assasination of Bugsy Siegel. We want to go back when the rest of the exhibit is open. I wouldn't pay $15 per person to go for just the portion that is open now, but then again, I rarely pay full price for anything. I wouldn't go to this hotel to gamble, the casino was kind of small, and it was dead, but they did have a little cafe with decent pizza slices.