So, I should start this off by saying malls aren't my favorite places to shop. Overly commercial and "trendy," they're just not my cup of tea. That being said, this mall is nothing great. However, compared to other malls in Vegas this is probably in my top two. I go to this mall the most often. This seems to be more due to location and friends than store options, though.
I mostly stick to one wing of the mall (By Macy's) with the stores I frequent being Fashion Q (really the only reason I return now a days), The Kitchen Sink, Auntie Anne's Pretzels, Hot Topic and Spencer's gifts. Now that Hot Topic has jumped on the trendy band wagon and there is no longer the silver store across from Fashion Q, my interest in coming here has dwindled.
My main complaint about this mall though is the lack of store variety. They seem to all be "popular" clothing stores (mostly aimed at young women). Where are the pet stores and book stores from the malls I grew up with?