If you are looking for bottom of the barrel skanks and fat, sweaty old men then this is the place to go! With the DJ tempting me in with top 40 country music we walked through a field of cigarette smoke to a packed bar. Upon first look it seemed like an amiable enough place. After waiting for 10 min for a male bartender to take notice I practically jumped up and down on the bar next to the men he just served only for him to turn around and take a mans order on the other side of the bar. After I got my drink they played maybe 2 more country songs then all top 40 dance music ala Jason Derulo. Not what I signed up for. I'm all for that music but I'm IN A COUNTRY BAR!
The only redeeming qualities is they have good drinks, albeit I drink whiskey on rocks.. Not much to screw up. Also they had an MMA fight on so that bodes well with me.
I don't know where they missed the mark. The ambiance is nice. Clean and well maintained and stylish. I think the biggest strike against it is the DJ and their idea of attracting a crowd is by exploiting women having them do blow job shots on command. Seriously I'd like to think women are more evolved than that. You are not attracting women (especially those who spend real money in bars/clubs) with these kinds of antics. And anyone who knows anything about running a bar knows that women are your core demographic. Get the women to your bar and men will follow.
So I say shame on you Whiskey Rose, you seem better than this and I think with a change in management you could exceed the business you do now.
Let me know when you get you shit together Whiskey Rose and we will talk. Until then so fucking long.