I used this airline due to the fares and the fact that it was non stop to Philadelphia. Upon first arriving they are telling us to check in which I had already done at home. I ask why do it at home, to have to do it again at both airports. I just do not even understand the point of this. We get through the check in and TSA in Vegas without too much of a problem. The comes boarding, we are zone 4 so we are the last to board. We get to our seats and there is barely leg room. This is honestly the worst I have seen as far as leg room goes. So we crawl into our seats, mind you it is the red eye. We take off the seat belt sign goes off, we can now recline and sleep. To forget this is no leg room. Well the seats do not recline either. No one around us could recline. And we were not sitting in the exit row. For 4 and half hours we were sitting straight up, and could not move our legs. This can not possibly be healthy.
Our luggage came out quickly which was great as we were dead tired.
Our return trip was not pleasant upon check in. Not one person at the check in at Philadelphia airport was helpful. It was a serious cluster fuck. Everyone trying to get an agent's attention.
The plane was smaller which was great, as it gave us a normal amount of leg room. The seats also reclined.
I will honestly never fly this airline again. I wish Jet Blue or Virgin would fly non stop to Philadelphia.