Let me start by saying I was an avid member of this club for a good 2 years - until I got a new job further downtown and it was more convenient for me to workout at the Richmond/John Goodlife. Whenever I come back to this one - I totally and completely regret it.
The Good:
1. It's close to my condo.
That's it!
The Bad:
1. The staff is extremely rude. They really couldn't care less about any of the people in there. I'm going to put emphasis on the front desk - shut up and scan people's cards! We don't care how good Fly was last Saturday, people have places to be and your conversations should be stopped when customers are around.
2. The equipment is older than I am. There are no TVs on the treadmills, about 1/4 of the equipment isn't working, and it's just very old looking.
3. It's virtually a meat market and I feel on display each and every time I am there. The members of this club are gawky and awkward.
I didn't realize how bad this club was until I started trying other clubs in the city.
1. If you are looking for a club in the area, I would honestly walk to the Yonge & Dundas location. All three locations in the Yorkville area are outdated. Surprising for such a posh area.
2. If you belong to this club already, my suggestion for you is to go out and try the other Goodlife locations and you too will see what you were missing.
This post is WHEY too long!