| - It's hard to understate how much of a fan of Porter I am. I regularly travel to Toronto on business and could not imagine NOT flying Porter if at all possible.
EVERYTHING about transiting through City Island airport beats doing the same through Pearson -- location, amenities in the terminal, speed through the terminal, etc. Once they get a bridge, even a pedestrian-only bridge, to the island you'll be able to leave a meeting downtown 35 minutes before you flight no problem. (As it is, 50 minutes more than suffices).
The in-flight experience cannot be beat. While the planes are turboprops, they are big enough to avoid the bumpy ride of small turbo props, and have a significantly BIGGER fuselage and cabin space than regional jets. The 2x2 seating arrangement is fine, the seats are significantly more comfortable, and offer significantly more leg room, than a typical narrow-body jet (to say the least of regional jet). Food and beverage service far superior to what the major airlines offer on similar short-haul flights. Flight attendants are friendlier and more attentive than is typical.