Bugsy, our 1 1/2 year old McNab has not yet been socialized due to my husband's health, so we didn't want her first vaccines with us to frighten her, being around strange animals and people.
We were SO happy the way the Dr and assistants were able to keep her relaxed and no trauma involved!
She was the perfect baby! She even let them pet her and snuggle which was a first with strangers.
She had no adverse reactions and as soon as they left she was ready to play ball and swim like nothing ever happened!
I'm not worried about her booster coming soon and trust them to spay her in the fall, after pool season, as the thought of her having any surgery terrified me.
That's a big deal! She's our baby, the best dog we ever had.
Thank you ALL for putting MY mind at ease
looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Bugsy was spayed yesterday. Dr Gina and her staff made it a non stressful time for Bugsy and ME, especially ME! Bugsy is doing great and the only vets that are EVER touching our McNab baby are the VALET VETS!
We want to thank you all for everything !
The Amole's