The drinks were good and so was the food...but the service was TERRIBLE. I think we saw our waitress two or three times total and she kept forgetting drinks or entire orders. We were a group of 10, which I get is a big group but COME ON. We were there for about 2 hours, which made the rest of the night have to be pushed back. It was a nightmare. This was before autogratuity for large groups was done away with, and I honestly feel like our waitress knew she was getting the tip anyway so she did the bare minimum...If that. She threw a fit when we asked for a manager and insisted that it's impossible for them to change the autograt amount. The manager actually took the autograt off entirely, and we gave about 75% of the tip we left to the bussers who took care of our table that night. Their food, drink, and bussers saved them on this review!