Wooche is an AYCE Korean BBQ, which offers up a variety of Korean / Chinese fair in addition to your BBQ meats.
Chapchae is a nice touch and adds a bonus point to the selection.
Most of the meats are marinaded and are of fairly average grade. You can get your squid, pork, chicken, beef and intestine on as you please. If you are orthodox KBBQ, then you can get the unmarinaded meats in the freezer by the rice. You can also mix up your chili, sesame oil, salt and bean paste up as you please.
If you are sensitive to perceived cleanliness, you may want to pass. The floor is greasy and they can't quite get the place 100% presentable. Such is the pitfall for AYCE places. If you need a clean place, head on over to Kimchee on the strip on the north side (across from where the Stardust used to be).
If you need a grill change ask, otherwise they do not seem to do it regularly. Don't stew about it and passive-aggressively sit there and wait. It's not that kind of joint.
13.99 Weekday Lunches 12-3pm
16.99 Dinner and weekends