| - AFAIK: the best Chinese grocer in metro Phoenix.
In its own right, it is pretty clean, well-lit, has ample parking (surface & underground), and also includes live seafood, bakery, and prepared/made-to-order Chinese food. Produce is pretty good (I've seen lychees there).
At Lee Lee, each aisle was a different country. Nice for variety, but I was looking for a primarily Chinese grocer.
At Meekong, there was far too little space for the amount of traffic (both automobile and shopping carts), and the smell of the seafood/meat permeated most of the store.
Ranch's bakery isn't the best I've had, a bit too greasy, but I haven't had anything better (at Donna's or Meekong), and it is right inside the market. I enjoyed the made to order Chinese food (I got stir-fried wide rice noodles & jiajiang mian). My wife appreciated the sushi-grade salmon. We were both very satisfied with the breadth of the selection: frozen foods, produce, salty & sweet snacks, soft drinks.
It's not the most beautiful interior, there are some dated placards and equipment, but it's better than many I've seen in and outside of Phoenix.