HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE experience. We bought a used 2007 jeep upon purchase there was a few problems with it. Power steering pump, alignment and steering wheel placement not right (the jeep on the steering wheel was to the left when you had it parked straight) we were guarenteed it would be fixed. The lemon law doesnt apply to a used vehicles, having known that I would of never signed the papers until the work was complete. It took over a week for them to replace and fix the issues and it would of probably taken longer had I not brought it to a right "managers" attention! After speaking to mulitple people who claim they are" managers" with no follow through at all. I was trying to get out of the loan because I wanted to take my bussiness elsewhere. But guess what we are locked in. So the claim no haggle best price blah blah blah but they will lie and keep your vehicle past the 5 day 200 mile return policy. So now Im stuck. I loved this jeep and was so excited to be part of the jeep family but they have ruined my buying expierence and dissapointed me to the point i wanted to warn y'all. If you do end up buying from them and where lied to just like me turn to Erik W. He seemed to be the only one who followed through and knew what he was taking about at least they have one employee who cares.