WORD OF WARNING: To all my fellow motorists! STAY AWAY from the body shop called Dents Charlotte run by a guy named Anthony Kutas. I took my red 280zx there to get body work done before Auto Fair and got ripped off!
- I gave him the car 3 weeks before with minor frame damage and body work to be done, he led me to believe it was going to be done and a week after the deadline I found out on my way to pick it up that he didn't get close to finishing it.
-paint quality was sub-...par with plenty of trash and divets in the paint
-He broke my door key and waited until after I paid for the work to tell me, and didn't offer to replace it.
-He LOST a rubber extension piece from my bumper
-I left my old hood with him when I picked up my car because I couldn't take it with me then, and when I called him back to pick it up he told me it had been STOLEN and offered no compensation
His Facebook page is