| - This place rocks! Knowledgeable, dedicated and extremely helpful team.
Having been exposed to all-terrain recumbent trikes last month at Teton Adaptive Sports in Jackson, WY, I knew that I needed to purchase a trike upon returning home to Las Vegas. Internet research resulted in a desire to check out TerraTrikes products and that SUN was 2016 Dealer of the Year for TerraTrikes. I called in advance to determine if SUN had a variety of recumbent trike models on the floor and ready for test driving. The answer was yes, and I made plans to drive to Phoenix for trike shopping.
I stopped by the store on the way into town on a Friday afternoon and spent the better part of an hour looking at trikes and learning a lot from Joe. I returned the next morning to test drive several, found one I really liked, developed an accessory list with the help of Joe and then hung out in the shop several hours while accessories were added to my trike.
While hanging out I was able to observe the staff interact with a variety of customers and it was impressive. The teamwork was fantastic and it's obvious that everyone on the team enjoys genuinely helping everyone who walks through the door find biking happiness. Mellow, laid back, friendly, focused and passionate about biking/triking are all words that come to mind when I think of the team I observed and interacted with at Sun Cyclery.
If you haven't been in a bike shop lately, you owe it to yourself to visit one. In addition to a comprehensive display of various recumbent trikes, SUN has a wide variety of great and fun looking bikes. If nothing else, go window shopping and have an enjoyable trip down memory lane. Don't be reluctant to try a trike. They're awesome.