| - First off I would like to say that it is obvious based on the interior that this hotel used to be owned by a high-class hotel chain. It does look very upscale on the inside of the rooms.
That being said, the hotel, and the surrounding village are eerie. The inside of the hotel is filled with large, useless, open spaces, and the hotel itself has very few guests. Moreover, the "village" surrounding it is sad, filled with a abandoned shops, giving it all a CREEPY VIBE.
Also not clarified is that the location no longer contains a casino. The casino that was in the village closed a few years back. And it is terribly confusing as there are still some signs from the hotel that point to the now chained-up casino!
What bugged me the most, however, was the hotel not informing my cousin, who had his big, two-hundred family member wedding there, that there would be a jazz concert going on outside the hotel at the same time as the wedding! THERE WAS LOUD LIVE JAZZ MUSIC AND ABOUT A HUNDRED STRANGERS STARING AT THEIR CEREMONY and when they were reading vows!
This is definitely NOT THE PLACE FOR A BIG WEDDING. Not worth it.