Not for the faint of heart! So much... STUFF. If you're weary of thrift shops, or never actually been to one, I'd stay away and maybe start off at an actual St. Vinny's location. This is for the true treasure hunter. The clothes are piled into boxes where one will literally have to dig through mounds of clothes. No pretty aisles or racks of clothes here. They have all sorts of kitchen gadgets, toys, electronics, bikes, furniture, and any other treasure you happen to pass by and suddenly think you must have. Never ending supplies of anything you might want. Donations are in the way back, you'll see busy staff hauling in more goods. You pay by the pound for most items. Furniture is dirt cheap. My best find would be an actual vintage Steamboat Springs CO pub shirt that I have actually frequented. I got it for like 25 cents! Who woulda thought, a tiny Colorado ski town bar shirt in little old dig & save. Nothing Tide and a good washing machine can't help!