Hi, I just called my local YouFit @ 16th St & Bethany Home about a recurring issue I see with one of their trainers. He (Derek) is a REALLY nice guy and rides a motorcycle in to work multiple times per week and takes the very front, most convenient spot closest to the door of the gym. Typically when I worked in brick and mortar offices the courtesy was to leave those spaces for paying customers. But multiple times per week I see this specific motorcycle parked in the front spot. Now I really like Derek and he's a GREAT trainer. This is not the point.
When I called the manager to see if they had a policy regarding this he said no. So I explained that it's nice to leave those for the paying customers. And not just for people that are able-bodied like me! This is for people that are older, pregnant, or otherwise impeded in overall movement. This is a common courtesy for your patrons. His response to me was this - "Hey, you're going to the gym. You can walk a few more steps!"
I told him if THAT's his policy that I'll be canceling my membership on my next pass by your gym. This behavior by the "boys club" at this gym is ridiculous and doesn't give a damn about its patrons. I thought you should know this as you'll be losing at LEAST 2 memberships this week. Hopefully I hear from you soon to deal with this. I'm furious that this culture is happening here in Phoenix and am close to posting this on every social media and Yelp I can find.