I attended this school from '09-'10. From the start it was hectic to put it nicely. I visited the school and was taken on a tour. They gave me a list of the current curriculum and didn't let me know that it was going to change before I attended. I decided it was a decent school to go to and signed up. I was from out of town so I decided to go with the school's housong program. Instead of providing the single room I applied for and was promised in writing, they tried to put me in a shared room for more money. When I got my single room they raised rent yet again and no where near the agreed upon original rate. As for the school, they changed the curriculum's butchering class from a six week course to a 2 day stint somewhere in foundations 3. I should have demanded my money back right away but decided to stick it out. Despite many complaints from myself and other students, a certain student who constantly fell asleep and coughed into everything (after failing safety and sanitation several times) was allowed to remain in class and the school. He was also allowed to move on no matter what. Other filthy students, who didn't know how to shower or wash their uniforms, were allowed to remain in classes. After an altercation with my restaurant intructor, he cornered me in the kitchen and threatened me while yelling two inches from my face, I was allowed to repeat the course without the possibility of a new instructor because he was all they had for that course. The finance office was never there and when they were had no clue how to do their job. The staff included chefs who admittedly hated their jobs and others that had only 2-3 years experience or none at all. Career services helped absolutely nobody and were rude to anyone who came in their office. Overall the experience was poor. I got most of what I could from a few chefs: Chef Bruce, Chef Labahn, and Chef Watson. They and a couple other chefs were the only chefs who cared enough about teaching t thehw correct ways of preparing foods.