Went to watch a movie tonight (sinister 2 - 7:25 pm showing on 8/26/15). A group of people snuck in 10-15 minutes after the movie started and proceeded to be loud and obnoxious. Even heard one of them say "I don't give a fuck about these white people", as she was standing up in the middle of the theater. Ignored it for the movie while they continued being loud and rude throughout. Watched the group sneak into another movie as I was walking out. Let the "assistant manager" and someone else in a black suit know - they said that they were going to "go check it out". As I came out of the bathroom I noticed them nonchalantly walking back into the concession stand area from near the screen I told them they went into. They didn't even go in and check. Horrible excuse for theater staff and keeping the bs out. Unimpressed.