| - Today was a disappointing day for customer service at REI. First, I went there to buy several items, and ended up buying one because I could not get assistance. I wanted to purchase a bike helmet, had a young man help me for 5 minutes and then we were interrupted by another employee asking him to go help someone else. He said he would return to help me and never did. So... I went to try on hiking shoes. A young woman brought me two pairs of hiking shoes to try on, and didn't come back to check on how they fit, as she was busy greeting new customers. As I waited, I watched Chris, another shoe employee, going over the to, assisting a customer sitting next to me. Finally 20 minutes later, the woman came back, I requested another shoe in my size and she brought me the shoes, but two sizes too big, Duh, and so another 20 minutes to likely wait for her to walk by and have to flag her down. Fortunately Chris observed and asked if he could get me the correct size. The woman never came back to help me. Then back to the bike department. I stood waiting for the same employee to help me as he finished helping another customer. He finished, turned his back and walked away to help another customer, sheesh. Bad service today at REI.