| - Reviewing a Home Depot seems kind of odd and off putting to me. You don't eat here, you buy things to build other things with here. Or sometimes to inadvertently glue yourself to other things with, but that's another story for another website.
Like Rocco said in the second Boondock Saints "Men build things, then we die. It's in our fucking DNA! THAT'S WHAT WE DO!"
And yes, Home Depot on more occasions than I can shake a severely bandaged hand at has helped me to build even the most odd of things, from an ill fated attempt at a home entertainment stand to three of the heaviest, most over built, shit welded to them Burning Man bikes that the Playa has ever seen.
But here's my gripe about this Home Depot, men can't build shit before we die as mandated by our DNA if there is no where to park!
Went in today to get more painting supplies. Every parking spot in the lot had one of those dolly sized carts in the spaces. No fewer than FIVE employees were standing around the parking lot, bullshitting when they should have been doing their jobs. Went in, got what I needed, came back out 15 minutes later, and all of the carts were still there with the same five idiots standing there with the same finger they used to pick their nose firmly entrenched in their own assholes. Never saw someone pick their nose with their thumb til today, but this chorus of the lazy where not to be deterred! No sir, they were not the one! woo woo!
If I can't park, I can't build, and then whomever "they" are cannot come. Or is that the Lowes motto? Either way, this place is in need of an emergency staff transplant before this highly sought after blend of lazy and stupid flat-lines the business of this particular location.