| - So I'm writing this review FROM the porter airlines lounge while waiting for my flight to NYC from one of the imacs they have around here. (do i get extra yelp-approved-coolness points?) haha, well i think its cool. Im sipping on a decent Americano, in a REAL cup with a proper saucer.. the chair I'm sitting on is way better than that i have at work, actually supports my back. and though this is not really about porter, but i find this imac keyboard very nail-friendly :), i guess thanks porter for choosing mac?
The lady at the check in was super nice, and instead of checking me in before boarding the ferry waved me off so i make it in time and enjoy the lounge, she was smiles all around. and not in a forced i-have-to-do-this kind of way either!! the security people, even the lady who made me walk through the metal detector was nice and smiled. Im so not used to smiles from anyone at Pearson. Checking in and security was a breeze.
Porter met my high expectations, i hope the rest of the flight keeps it up. I'll update soon after i land :D
EDIT: So i got here last night, after a two and a half hour delay, because of ground problems at newark (nothing new *groan*). The flight itself was fairly normal, the service and the inflight snack/beverage options were good. The legspace, and chairs were just as comfortable as other Air Canada or other planes i've been on, on the same route (YYZ-EWR). Overall the lounge, the baggage being on the belt quickly and the wine really helped ease the delays on a frequently delayed route. The flight I was on is on time is 53% (