I had a fairly good stay at the hospital. I got here on Thursday the seventh 2017 due to hemorrhaging in my stomach I had to go through a 12 hour procedure to get the bleeding to stop in an artery. Long story short it's been a very painful and tough recovery but the staff were very caring. Up until Thursday the 17th it was like I was completely forgotten of. Every time I would call the nurses button they would say they'd send a nurse and no one would come I call again and then start yelling at me. It was the first time I was able to eat in five days and of course I wanted some Jell-O or juice or anything. Then Cam or Katy I don't think she told it to me on purpose but it was so so so utterly disrespectful I don't think I will ever come back here. It made me so uncomfortable. She came in my room to change some IVs and I've never seen her before because she wasn't my assigned nurse and didn't have the decency to tell me her name. and I asked her her name. And she wouldn't answer me and then said it was none of my business and then refuse to tell me what she was putting into my IV. Then I said why are you being so rude and she wouldn't answer me and I said well thank you for being so disrespectful to me and she said no problem and slammed the door on the way out. I had never met this woman in my life. And I'm top of that it was taking me an hour to an hour and a half to even see a nurse. Then this man Travis who I assume is a very angry individual and probably beats his own wife at home came into my room with the nastiest look on his face. What happened was I have been without able to eat or drink anything for five days and today was the first day I was able to. So of course I had to go to the bathroom very badly. My cords were all tangled. I have tubes coming out of every side of my body. now unless you wanted me to just poop all over the room I easily could've done that but I didn't so I disconnected my IV and I want to the bathroom. The blue piece came out of it so blood was coming out he runs in the room screaming what the fuck are you doing this is where our nurses are for why the fuck didn't you call us and I said I don't have time to call you had to go to the bathroom and I was about to go on my pants there's only a little bit of blood. And he was just cursing at me and going off and it was literally horrible. Are usually a pretty tough guy and he made me cry for like 15 minutes straight. And it was humiliating the way he broadcasted my issue to the world this is a hospital you're supposed to take care of people not make fun of him and belittle them for a mistake that they make because I have to go to the bathroom I certainly hope this man gets fired or demoted or serenely penalized. This is not the type of field he should be working in. I hope our paths never cross
I must add though that it is not all negative and the nurses that were assigned to me were kind and caring as were the doctors