Enochlophobes beware, Broadacres can get very crowded. It may not be the place for you. However, if you do not mind a crowded environment not unlike what you might find at Disneyland, check it out. For just $1 on Saturday you could easily spend several hours walking up and down the aisles looking for almost anything you want. From ethnic snacks and sauces to old video games. From CDs and records to gigantic copper pots. You can find it all at Broadacres. Plus there are several places to get food. Pizza, BBQ, Mexican, Asian, ice cream, snow cones, and Churros. Soda. Beer. Free music. Does it ever end? Yes. It ends either when you have bought all you can carry or you just can't go any further due to the exhaustion of looking at all there is. This is indeed the place to go with cheap product and low gate fee. Just be warned that you sometimes get what you paid for. While some things may look good on the surface they may not be so pristine on the inside. Much of this stuff is second hand.