Let me begin with my friends car getting demolished by a drunk driver. We were headed east on McDowell in the left lane at around 6:45pm and some drunken idiot got into the turn lane and nearly hit us head on but then swerved and completely destroyed the driver's side of my friends cars.
So we pulled of on a side street and called t 911 and got out of the car to make sure that we were ok. Wellllllll.................half an hour later a cop finally decided to show up and.....shock of the century.....he turned out to be a complete and total jerk. He started asking us questions in an accusatory tone as if we were the ones who caused the accident. He was completely insensitive and didn't even ask if we were ok.
On top of being rude and callous.......he treated us as if we were total idiots, my guess is because we were young and female he assumed that we were stupid......or my other theory is that when he saw my friends Obama bumper sticker his bitter jealous heart began to ache for Mccain's abismal loss.